Relaxation Massage Edmonton
Massage therapy is a manual therapy involving the manipulation of soft tissue, often through the mechanisms of pressure and applied tension.
A relaxation massage is a smooth, gentle treatment that relieves muscular tension, increases circulation, and promotes a general sense of relaxation.
Why is Relaxation Massage so Effective?
A good relaxation massage relieves stress and muscle tension and will leave you oozing with a sense of wellbeing. It achieves this because of the general benefits of massage: it improves your circulation and blood flow, so your organs and skin get more oxygen; aiding with lymphatic drainage.
What Conditions can Relaxation Massage Help Resolve?
- Reducing stress and increasing relaxation.
- Reducing pain and muscle soreness and tension.
- Improving circulation, energy and alertness.
- Lowering heart rate and blood pressure.
- Improving immune function.
Relaxation Massage FAQ
The massage shouldn’t feel painful at any time. Let your therapist know if there are any places you want them to use a different type of pressure on or avoid altogether. Sometimes certain areas can be extra sensitive, but always let your RMT know.
Falling asleep during a massage is very common. Many people go into a massage stressed and sleep-deprived and feel so relaxed that they fall asleep on the massage table. Your therapist won’t judge you if you snore during the massage.
When you wake up, you may notice a little drool on your face or on the massage table. It’s common and has to do with your positioning on the massage table. You don’t have to do anything about it, but you should feel free to ask for a tissue.
Relaxation massage typically uses Swedish massage techniques, lighter pressure, and is not usually used to treat physical discomforts like muscle knots. The therapist generally follows a full-body sequence and does not focus on any one area of the body for too long.
Deep tissue/therapeutic massage is used to treat physical maladies causing discomfort, such as muscle knots, myo-fascial adhesions, nerve impingements, and much more. The therapist will use different techniques than they would for a relaxation massage and spend treatment time in specific areas instead of following a full-body sequence.
Due to the techniques used, deep tissue/therapeutic massage can sometimes be a bit uncomfortable, but it should not cause a client undue pain or stress.
There can be an increased chance of soreness following a deep tissue/therapeutic massage, but the short recovery period should never be debilitating or leave the client feeling worse than they did before the massage. If you feel extreme discomfort following a massage, it is important to let your therapist know so that they can adjust their technique and/or pressure in future treatments.
It is best if you can give an accurate picture of your health and injuries on your health history form. This enables your therapist to design the most appropriate and effective treatment for you.
There is no requirement to have a referral to see a Registered Massage Therapist. Extended health care plans, and insurers may require a referral before you will be covered. You need to check with your policy to see if you need one to be reimbursed for the treatments.