Prenatal Massage Edmonton
Is a specific treatment for pregnant women at all gestational stages. It differs from a traditional massage therapy session only in positioning and depth of pressure in certain areas of the body.
In short, a Prenatal Massage is designed for women who are pregnant. Prenatal massages assist with the normal adaptations that your body goes through during pregnancy.
Why is Prenatal Massage so Effective?
Research shows that massage can reduce stress hormones in your body and relax and loosen your muscles. It can also increase blood flow, which is so important when you’re pregnant, and keep your lymphatic system working at peak efficiency.
What Conditions can Prenatal Massage Help Resolve?
- Mental and physical fatigue
- Improve circulation and blood flow
- Improve the function of sore or stiff joints and muscles
- Lower back pain and sciatica
Prenatal Massage FAQ
Since most miscarriages happen during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, some massage therapists prefer that you wait to see them until after your 13th week, or that you bring a doctor’s note releasing you for massage treatment during the first trimester. Other therapists are willing to see you during the first trimester, particularly if you have a history of healthy pregnancies in the past. At Bounce Right Back we welcome everyone to come at any stage of their pregnancy.
The best position during massage is on your side with pillows for support, which provides the most stability for the baby and is also most comfortable for you.
It is best if you can give an accurate picture of your health and injuries on your health history form. This enables your therapist to design the most appropriate and effective treatment for you.
There is no requirement to have a referral to see a Registered Massage Therapist. Extended health care plans, and insurers may require a referral before you will be covered. You need to check with your policy to see if you need one to be reimbursed for the treatments.